April 19th, 2007, 10:05 Posted By: mnuhaily22
Hey everyone, there was a vista theme for 3.03 OE-C released a while ago, and when I tried to flash it I bricked, so now I made it compatible with 3.30 OE-A which is the firmware I am currently at, the topmenu_plugin runs perfect, just like it ran on my 3.03 OE-C, and I also added a PS3 wave instead of the one that came with the pack. I also took to the liberty of messing with the 01-12 a bit, so now all of them work, but instead of the brow 11, it is now a black 11, I liked black more than brown, I also added a PS3 like font, I thought it was kinda cool, I hope you guys like it , and one more thing is this doesn't work unless you delete the unneeded font files for flash space(flash agent does it). Just in case people on this website don't know where to flash the stuff, you flash Ltn0.pgf to flash0:/font/.... and everything else you flash it to flash0:/vsh/recource/........well I hope you like it... the screen shots are below, btw, it doesn't freeze at all...:thumbup:
EDIT: I forgot to link the original Vista Theme, again sorry to PSPCulture...
EDIT: I just figured out that this also works for 3.40 OE-A...
EDIT: Good quality pics now....
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