March 1st, 2006, 18:51 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
As Square Enix work towards releasing Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria late this year for the PS2, they've also been busy bees porting the incredible 1999 original from the PSOne to the PSP. Based on Norse mythology, you play Lenneth Valkyrie who collects the souls of those who die tragic deaths, then converts them into powerful soldiers ready for a final apocalyptic battle between the Æsir and Vanir, Ragnarok. Taking you back to the good old days, dungeons play out as 2D side scrolling affairs with non-random turn based fight scenes and a whole lot of magic. The fantastic fighting system was one of the reasons this game achieved such a cult following in the first place, and thankfully still holds up brilliantly today.
There's over 20 playable characters to be found, and as you progress through the adventure your strength builds up to a truly incredible amount, where later in the game you'll be dishing out damage points in the millions! The game has been re-designed to take full advantage of the PSP's 16:9 widescreen, and replacing the original static cut scenes are completely animated FMV sequences. Several brand new scenes also help tie this and upcoming prequel together. Coming late this week, even if you don't know Japanese, if you've played the original you can experience all the benefits of this PSP edition, and still understand the story.
For more information and downloads, click here!
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