April 23rd, 2007, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
Marce82 posted this release in Spanish on his site.
Heres the Spanish to english translation:
Updater Flasher 3.xx Ue-2 Installer Deluxe Bueno peseperos friends, I leave to the Updater Flasher 3.xx you UE here v2, adapted to the Custom Firmware 3,10 Oe, 3,30 Oe and 3,40 Oe de Dark_Alex. English pack Spanish pack < - to the 3,10 Improvements that Were applied Oe - > - Graphical Aspect of the XMB totally changed (Icons, Sub-Icon, Sources, Bottoms, Sound, Gameboot, Waves, etc.) - adapted Icons and English and Spanish Language to the new Functions of the XMB - Fixed to Failure of mutual incompatibility games PSX when changing the initial sound - Neat Failure Key click of the XMB - Added new Function in the XMB, Access to the Recovery - Added new Function in the XMB, Aplicaccion LuaPLayer - Added new Function in the XMB, Reinitiated Utility of of Console - Added new Function in XMB, Utility To extinguish Console - Added new Function in the XMB, Utility Graphical Chronometer and Reproductive Mp3 - Improved the Speed of Navigation in the XMB - Recovery Translated in Spanish - eliminated Sources in Japanese - Added Plugins of USB, Capture, CPU speed, etc, etc - Added Plugins Popstation 3,11, 3,30 and 3,40 - Elimadas the Obligatory Folders of System. (The organized MS this but and clean one) - Liberation of Space in the Flash0 (3 Mb) < - to the 3,30 Improvements that Were applied Oe - > - Graphical Aspect of the XMB totally changed (Icons, Sub-Icon, Sources, Bottoms, Sound, Gameboot, Waves, etc.) - to adapted Icons and English and Spanish Language to the new Functions of the XMB - Fixed to Failure Key click of the XMB - Added new Function in the XMB, Reinitiated Utility of of Console - Added new Function in the XMB, Utility To extinguish Console - Added new Function in the XMB, Access to the Recovery - Improved the Speed of Navigation in the XMB - Added Plugins Popstation 3,40 - Sources in Japanese eliminated - Liberation of Space in the Flash0 (3 Mb) - Memory Stick but organized and clean < - to the 3,40 Improvements that Was applied Oe - > - Graphical Aspect of the XMB totally changed (Icons, Sub-Icon, Sources, Bottoms, Sound, Gameboot, Waves, etc.) - adapted Icons and English and Spanish Language the new Functions of the XMB - Fixed to Failure Key click of the XMB - Added new Function in the XMB, Reinitiated Utility of of Console - Added new Function in the XMB, Utility To extinguish Console - Added new Function in the XMB, Access to the Recovery - Improved the Speed of Navigation in the XMB - eliminated Sources in Japanese - Liberation of Space in the Flash0 (3 Mb) - Memory Stick but organized and clean
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