Posted By: wraggster

I havent gone mad and this isnt a double post but today CaptainMorgan4 announced on our forums that he has also released a Daedalus r14 beta (Nintendo 64 emu for PSP)
Heres what CaptainMorgan4 posted about this release:
New Features Implemented in R-14beta:
- Dynarec Stack Optimisation = small speedup (located in the Rom Preferences)
- Highlight Inexact Blend Modes = replaces inexact blend modes with a placeholder texture (located in Global Settings)
- VFPU TnL = acceleration of vertex transform and lighting / small speedup (located in Global Settings)
- Clear Fragment Cache = clears the contents of the dynarec fragment cache / do this before loading a new game to avoid freezes and such (located after pausing a rom, works great too)
- Font in GUI has been altered (view pictures below)
The ME work on it is only partially done so the sound doesn't lag quite as much as R13 and it's slightly less gargled.
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Related Links:
Unnoficial Daedalus Beta 14 - Wally Version
Check out our Daedalus Compatability List Here and a newer list.