Posted By: wraggster
News/release from psprogramer
Alright here it is Uncharted Lands v0.02. The game is sooo much more playable, and has much more in it. The new features are listed below. Alos expect a larger time inbetween this release in the next, as the next release is going to Be amazing!!! It will incorporate many new things, if you want a preview of whats to come then check out the READ ME in the Documents folder. So check it out, and leave feed-back here!!!(also I'm unsure about the new character image, please give me your thoughts on that)
5 outside Maps and 4 indoor maps maps
fixed pause menu
main menu - - (fully functional)
items shop interface
weapons shop interface
npc characters -- (moving characters, functions have been made, and will be fully implemented next release)
begining night time function (it's function is made and is in the file, just hasn't been ativated in the game because it lags too much)
early sign reading/talking function
state system created, and functional

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