July 2nd, 2008, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
reizencroft has posted a new game release for the PSP, heres release details:

Yay!! Finally, I was able to finish my first PSP homebrew game project. I introduce you, Tweexter. I really can can’t come up with a great name so i just combined twist and texter. Tweexter is very similar to Gamehouse’s Texttwist. You are given a set of 7 letters(on future release, it will be a combination of 6 and 7 letters) and you have to unscramble it to a more sensible word. To advance to the next round you need to solve the 7 letter word.
I was really planning on porting Texttwist to PSP, retaining the graphics and sounds but I figured that i could get in a lot of trouble if I do so. So i restarted from scratch, producing the graphics, except for the background. Currently, there is no sound effects, but i’m planning to add sfx on the next releases.
Included in the release is the source code. I am not a great programmer, so please don’t expect super fast and efficient algorithms. It was written in C++, but can be easily converted to C. I’m not an expert in C, so I just used this project as an opportunity to experience C++. The use of classes was a total mess and since i’m too lazy to rewrite it, I ended up sticking to it. To compile the source code, you’ll need a pspsdk, and a couple of it’s dependencies, namely, libpng and zlib.
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