May 2nd, 2006, 14:32 Posted By: wraggster
Lok Tai has released a free location free TV viewer for the PSP, watch TV on the Go Via WIFI, heres the details:

<blockquote>VSP is the premier free Location Free TV viewer.
* Watch TV anywhere with a wifi connection.
* Allows channel changes.
* by the way, no sound yet. I'll get on it next time I have some free time. It's not a bug.
Basically, you can watch TV on your PSP anywhere with a wifi connection. TVSP receives the TV signal from a TV capture programmed called DScaler. And the best of all, it doesn't cost $350 to get TV on my PSP :-)
Press [UP] or [DOWN] to change channel.
Press [START] to quit. *** Please QUIT this way only, not by press Home ***.
Background Story:
How did I come up with TVSP? Hmmm, it was one day in my bathroom to take a load off :-), When all of a sudden, omg, I have forgotten to bring anything in to entertain myself. Not a Maxim magazine in sight. Delerium sets in. What have I done??? While being quite bored, I had an epiphany. Hey, wouldn't it be cool if I can watch TV in the can. The rest is history.
Installation Directions:
It's not very hard, it's actually quite simple. Just follow the directions "EXACTLY" and you'll be watching tv on your psp in no time. You do need a TV Card though. I have a ATI TV Wonder VE, and it works great. Any TV card that works with DScaler 4 is good.</blockquote>
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