October 15th, 2006, 16:08 Posted By: Freshmilk
Welcome to my 7th release of TTR.
I'd like to mention that it is indeed kxploited, so there is no damn luaplayer needed!
Okay, so now its time for a brief overview of the Game:
TTR stands for Table Top Rally, which is like your average Car-Dodging style game plus one. Rather than having the same boring old layout everytime you play, there are new cars, interchangeable backgrounds and cool music. If none of these appeal to you, everything I just mentioned can be custimized and changed with the minimum of effort, in 5 minutes, to make the game look and feel just how it should. And with our new feature, custom cars, the game's already limitless boundries are stretched even further.
This is basically the perfect game for the office, on the road, or having a wee, for an addictive fast-paced thrill game as you swere and dodge to avoid a firey death at the hands of oncoming traffic. Read on to find out more.
Phew, you'd think i'm actually trying to sell you this thing!
Anyways, nwo that we've heard what the game is all about, lets look at some screenshots of the new features included in this release of Table Top Rally:

Lol, amazing, isn't it?

Okay, now that we have a basic idea of what the game is, lets look at whats new to this version:
- New Re-Vamped Soundtrack
- Custom Music
- Music Management (To set your music)
- Movement Management (How fast or slow your car moves)
- Improved Collision detection for Intersection
- Fixed Intro Credits
- Fixed white boxes on some of the cars
- Highscores (Hopefully) Fixed
- Once again, new GFX courtesy of PSP_Bling
- Compatible with windows lua! (if you run the Game.lua first)
It's hard for me to keep track of everything new in this release, theres too much to remember, so if I've missed something please tell me!
Now its time to say thanks to everyone that made this version possible, espcially my partner Skate_3214, who basically did everything but the coding. If you didn't know, Skate_3214 is now my partner for this project and will continue to help me with versions to come. Also, whilst i'm here, i might as well apologize to long delays on this release, we just had to make sure that everything was perfect for all you TTR fans 
Thanks for playing, and have fun, but remember;
Tell us your comments and Suggestions, they're always appreciated!
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