September 23rd, 2006, 16:02 Posted By: Freshmilk
Hia again guys, and welcome to my newest release of TTR.
I know it hasn't been long since my lst release, but i had a barrage of comments and suggestions VIA PM, so i decided to make everyone happy and included every last one of their suggestions.
The new feature of 0.6 is difficulty levels, and a full new layout for the game to cut loading times and make the game more staright forward. Again, there is a one time intro message at the start to tell you some vital information about the game, so please read it as it will only ever display itself once.
I would also ike to extend a massive thank you to PSP_Bling, whom without the new graphics would be impossible. PSP_Bling has agreed to do the graphics for the game from now on, so we should expect to see some great art used in this game. I couldn't have done it without you, buddy - thanks so much for your help.
Okay, now that we're through with the basics, lets look at some screenshots or PSP_bling's work:

Nice, isn't it?
So, now that we've had a little intro and seen what the new graphics looks like, its time for a rundown of everything thats new to the game:
- 4 Difficulty Levels
- Whole new graphics overhaul
- A new look EBOOT, courtesy of PSP_Bling
- A new layout for the game
- Options
That may not seem like a long list of new features compared to other release, but these were hard to make. Just in case you were wondering, the options just makes things simpler, so if you load up the game you can play it staright away, no choosing terrains and such. The garage, Terrain Selector, and the new difficulty selector have all been drafted into the options, therefore making the game more efficient and crash less often.
Now... if you managed to read this far, i have a competetition going on for this game. There is an easter Egg hidden within the game - find it and do what i says for your chance to win 10,000 points, the winner will be decided at random, and no-one on the credits or who have ever been asociated with the game can enter. It ends of 31.09.06, so you better hurry up and find it...
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