This is a PSP version of the game "Triple Triad" found in Final Fantasy VIII
Triple Triad PSP is not licensed or endorsed by Sony Computer or Square Enix.
This game is ditributed under GPL license, read license.txt for details.
# Installation #
To install the homebrew copy the python directory in the root of your MS,
and the two game directories to x:/PSP/GAME or x:/PSP/GAME150 if under custom firmware.
# Controls #
Cross - Select
Circle - Cancel
Square - Show help (if any available)
L + R - Take a screenshot
L - back (decrease card level list/circle thru invites)
R - forward (increase card level list/circle thru invites)
Select - Player filter
Start - Accept
Arrows - Cursor movement
# HOW TO play Triple Triad PSP on a Windows PC #
Triple Triad PSP can be played also on Windows.
Controls are:
Q = L
W = R
A = Square
S = Triangle
Z = Cross
X = Cirlce
C = Select
V = Start
From version 0.4.20 you can access a full, persistent world online.
You can create your account and play with friends from any part of the globe.
For an exaustive overview of the infrastructure possibilities please refer to our forum topics.
Those first releases of TTPSP needs a huge amount of work:
Any help is appreciated in order to deliver the best gaming experience we can.
-Providing a fixed IP server mirror for multiplayer infrastructure.
-Traslating the client language in your own language (see missing languages above for reference)
-Reporting a bug (see the post in our forums @
For comments & suggestions please post in our forums!
# Triple Triad Team would like to thank #
Jerome for the Python porting and for help forum for support
SiberianStar for his usefull help
Crackiron, Hydra, Guigiz, Kej@ for translations
Chaosflare From hosting the North American server mirror.