Shallan has released Treasure Island Dizzy for PSP 2.7 Firmware Users, heres some details:
<blockquote>After a busy week Im finally at the stage where im ready to release the first test alpha of Treasure Island Dizzy in Flash. This has been coded with firmware 2.7 in mind, so dont expect high end flash crispness as this has been sacrificed for speed.
This alpha release should be fully playable from beginning to end, but of course the whole point of this alpha is to track down game stopping bugs and see what sort of things people would like to see added.
As this has been made for the PSP somethings have either been left out permanently or until the game is optimised enough to do them. The game map and graphics are based on the NES version of the game and solution, and contains a few (hopefully not too noticable) changes to the original. The music was extracted from the C64 version as a SID and resampled to mp3 with slight changes and instrument additions.
Although it will run from the website, im sure with freehosting this could take sometime if repeatedly accessed by more than about 2 people so the best way to play this is to highlight the game link in the PSP browser, then go to File->Save link target in the browser options and save to the memory card. If saved in default location it can then be accessed offline by typing the following link into the browser : "file:/PSP/COMMON/Dizzy.swf"
Dpad left and right : Move Dizzy
Dpad down : Open inventory
X button : Jump/Start game/Close message</blockquote>