Well I got bored last night and decided to spice up my XMB.Cuase with the top menu and font I had it was totally boring.So I searched for fonts, icons and the right background. Well heres what I've created with what I found. I liked what I made so I've decided to share it with everyone. Heres a pic of it
Heres how your going to want to install it:
Personally I use psp filer instead of the USB flash0 because I don't trust using USB flash0. But anyways flash these however your used to flashing them doesn't matter how you flash them.Just be cautious when doing this I don't want anyone to brick. Make sure you have atleast 410kb (or enough to flash these) of free space on your flash0 memory as this is the files total size when flashed.
Ok first take the 01-12 bmp and flash it to flash0: vsh/resource
Then take the ltn0.pgf and place it in flash0: font
For the topmenu_plugin.rco take the included icons and make them into a topmenu plugin with the XMB packager and flash it to flash0: vsh/resource
If anyone needs help to install this let me know and I'll help you. I hope you enjoy my new XMB. You can download it from here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/r1exj7
I would like to thank deliriumhappy of QJ.net forums for the background and Chnk for the icon pack I got my icons from. I made the font so I will thank myself
OK I decided to upload it to the forums to make it easier for you guys to download it. I will keep the sendspace link up in case people have problem downloading from the forums. SMALLER FONT:
Since a few people have ask for the font to be smaller here it is if you want it http://www.sendspace.com/file/2bpnb1
Green, Red and Purple backgrounds (flashable):
dwonload bacgrounds here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/17eoaz