Hi everybody,
I've just finished TimeBatteryPercent's new version
##(New Version/Nouvelle version) Version 2.0:##
*Added compatibilities with 5.00, 5.02, 5.03 and 5.50 cfw (for 5.02 and 5.03 I didn't check if it works but it must be ok)
*Added configuration file (TimeBatteryPercent_config.ini): you can configure TimeBatterPercent like you want. Indeed tou are now able to:
-show or not: hour, minute, year, month, day, battery time left (in parentheses), battery percentage, cpu/bus clock frequency
-choose date format (YYYY/MM/DD or MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY)
-choose hour format (12 hour or 24 hour clock format)
-choose to display string date format (like November 24 Thursday for example) or not (like 24/11)
-write what you want under clock and date information (if you want to write something go to the configuration file and in front of "writrewhatyouwant"
write what you want

else you can write nothing if you want
PS: in the configuration file, you must write only NO if you didn't want to sohw something, YES if you want to show something and in front of "dateformat" you can only write
YYYY/MM/DD or DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY to modify date format and in front of "hourformat" you can only write 12H or 24H
*Fixed Percentage bug after suspend
PS: If you want to display my plugin you must choose DD/MM/YYYY date format (clock