Posted By: wraggster
Luma has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:

Nickname: LuMa
Projet name : Tibia for PSP
From : Germany
Division : PSP Game
Original enter : Yes
Support Motion : No
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: No
Now it is time to release a second version of my RPG-TibiaClone . As the title indicates, the name was changed now from TibiaforPSP to TibiaPSP.There aren't all the important points, which were planned for this version to be implemented like the Save/Load-function,because i hadn't enough time. Also an Online-Mode is obviously not finished yet, which is certainly need some more time.But there are many new things:
New Map (116 * 55 fields) + 5 Quests
Added 4 creaturetypes (total 5)
Added 16 weapons and items (total 20)
Added 3 Spells (total 5)
New in-game MP3 player (reads MP3's from MUSIC-folder)
Added choice between 4 character types (Knight, Paladin, Sorcerer, Druid)
Added a few options (change the background / Hotkeys)
Added approximately 100 new landscape objects (mushrooms, plants, bushes, stones ...)
Added Level + Experience
Added Neoflash-Logo
Some bugs fixed
And many little things ...
Now for the hotkeys:
In the menu
Up / down direction keys
Select with X
In the game
Movement of the figure with the direction buttons
On / Off page menu with SELECT
Move the mouse pointer with a joystick
LOOK / USE function with R-Hold + X
Lifting of arms by the USE function (pointer to gun -> R-Hold + X -> Click to USE)
Healing spell with L-Hold + Triangle
Fire Attack with L-Hold + Circle
Energy Attack with R-Hold + L-Hold + square
Poison Attack with R-Hold + L-Hold + Circle
SuddenDeth with L-Hold + Square
Creature attack by clicking on creature (with the mouse cursor ^ ^)
Eating by clicking on Food
Screenshot with R-Hold + START
MP3 player ON / OFF with START
Pause with Hold
For the next version, I plan a slightly longer time (between 1-2 month) ,because I had planned for this a lot. (Map Editor, Homepage, And of course, further development of the game ...)
If there is someone who would like to help me with the map editor, can send me an e-mail ( (programming skills needed!!!).
Yours sincerely,
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