Luma has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: LuMa
Projet name : Tibia for PSP
From : Germany
Division : PSP Game
Original enter : Yes
Support Motion : No
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: No
Project description:
The name of my game, as the title suggests, is called Tibia. The original game Tibia ( is a MMORPG game in which you're involved in a fantasy world on the Internet with other players and you can solve Ouest, get levels and fight against other players.
I decided to copy of this game for PSP ,because it has a relatively simple 2D graphics and it is cope with Oslib.
Now some data about my Hombrew:
Until now, this Hombrew is only in the beta stage and is also only offline playable ,but I will change this in any case in the next versions .
It feature , however, the following functions:
Menu + Background Music
Selection between female and male character + naming of the character / account
Small map with one quest (58 * 40 fields)
and 3 monsters
1 monstertyp
4 armor (or weapons)
Many animated objects
2 Spells
Fully functional screenshot function
Incomplete in-game MP3 player (reads MP3's from MUSIC-folder)
Pause function
In-Game Menu + mouse
Now the hotkeys:
In the menu
Up / down direction keys
Select with X
In the game
Movement of the figure with the direction buttons
On/Off page menu with SELECT
Move the mouse pointer with the joystick
LOOK / USE function with R-Hold + X
Lifting of arms by the USE function (mouse on weapon -> R-hold + X -> Click to USE)
Healing spell with L-Hold + Triangle
Fire spell with L-Hold + Circle
Creature attacking by clicking on creature (with the mouse)
Screenshot with R-Hold + START
MP3 player ON/OFF with START
Pause with Hold
I think that it was now everything , but you can explor the game yourself(maybe you can find a few more functions ... ^ ^)
Have fun testing and do not forget that this project is only in version 0.1 (Beta).
Yours sincerely,
PS: I know that until now,it is a bit unilaterally (boring) but it will certainly change with a larger world, more monsters, more weapons and more spells...^^