When looking around at the Gaming press you see storys of Doom and Gloom about the PSP maybe the UMD movies have flopped a bit and Games sales arent as high as they want, but what you have to remember is that the PSP is Sonys first venture into a market that Nintendo have dominated since the first Gameboy release.
To enter a market even with a more powerful machine and going against the recognised handheld brand name worldwide was never going to be easy.
The amazing success of the DS with games that have brought new gamers to our video game world would make any other system struggle, in Japan that has been the case but in the USA and Europe the PSP has easily held its own against the DS.
New colours of the PSP like the Pink version being released will appeal to the female & Gay population and as long as Sony start releasing quality games the PSP will always be a success.
One area where Sony must get to grips with to survive is the hacking of their firmware and the ISO loaders that come off it. With the release of the Tiff Exploit yesterday they really must secure their system and yes they will lockout homebrewers but as great as the homebrew scene is, we are also responsible for companies becoming disillusioned with the PSP, its not nice seeing your game that cost millions to produce warezed all over the internet. If Sony are to take action they need to sort out the firmware, Stop the ISO LOaders and distribution with Cease and Desist Notification and also stop all the warez PSP sites who offer games and movies for downloads.