Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita has been interviewed by the Skinny:
Heres an excerpt:
Court continues: "In the beginning, there weren’t many people doing the serious work, but as things have progressed, those of us doing the decrypting have developed quite a close-knit group." Indeed, it is this close-knit group which has managed to crack the latest Sony update (which generally try and lock out homebrew from the console) before it was even available for download on the English servers, something which used to take many weeks. An impressive feat, but one that begs the question: if the updates can be hacked so quickly - and given that their point, for the most part, is to keep the homebrew scene out - why does Sony still bother with them?
"We're not sure why. After all, they have opened up the PS3 to the homebrew scene," Court is referring to the ability of the PS3 to run Linux, an open operating system which effectively lets users run their own programs on the console. "It's symptomatic of Sony’s whole attitude to the consumer. They have a general disdain for the end user: “You will take what we make, and you will think its cool.” It's where they are falling down with the PS3. It doesn’t excite me, and then you can’t afford one.’ True that.