"We had a positive chi evening, two mods we had been stuck on are now working! Sometimes things go right and sometimes things go wrong in modding. Last night two things got figured out so we are pretty pleased. We have a PSP that has LED's that turn on and off based on the existing power indicator LED and also a 360 wireless controller with working blue LED's. The PSP was a learning curve thing, how do you switch on and off some LED's without adding a mini switch? I think "relay" but there is just no room for one in a PSP, we found that basically the solid state equivalent of a relay is a transistor.
In the words of Ali G, Boo-ya-kasha! We finally got it working! Now we have our lighted triggers, lighted D-pad and another light by the buttons for good measure! All thanks to a little device called a transistor. It took more than a bit of research and discovery, but now when the PSP green LED is on so are our 4 surface mount 0603 LED's. This has been the most time consuming lighting mod we have performed so far. Stick with us as we go through the steps and break it down step by step over the next few days!"
Opinions ?, any have a better PSP Mod or seen one elsewhere ?