In the beginning, three games stood out as the most highly-anticipated and heavily-hyped games in the days leading up to the launch of the PlayStation Portable: SCE's Gran Turismo 4 Mobile, Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto: LCS, and Squaresoft's Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. Those three games made many a PlayStation fan plunk down the $250 for this system immediately. Of those three, surprisingly only one has actually made it to market -- credit goes to Rockstar for not only beating the vaporware jokes off with a release, but actually delivering a sequel before either of the other two companies showed their games in any kind of playable form. GT4 Mobile is still a ghost (rumor has it that the game is still on the backburner, put on hold until Polyphony Digital can finish its $700 GT HD sampler, but Crisis Core: FFVII is still very much alive and on the front burner. A new game trailer was shown exclusively at TGS, but sadly not allowed for filming or distribution of any kind. We've already given you glancing impressions of the game, but we've been able to get in a second viewing to catch a few more details.