April 29th, 2010, 18:18 Posted By: wraggster

Newly released today:
Street Fighter IV revitalized the already uber popular arcade fighter, now with Super Street Fighter IV, you'll have more characters, more skills sets and most importantly, more fun. Already cleared the game and became the champions of the champions? Try this edition and defend your title!
From the publisher: Super Street Fighter IV features the full roster of 25 characters from Street Fighter IV such as Ryu, Ken, Crimson Viper, Abel, El Fuerte, and Rufus, while adding about eight characters new to the world of Street Fighter IV.
The impressive new roster includes classic combatants from previous Street Fighter games like T. Hawk as well as all-new characters such as the mysterious and deadly female fighter, Juri.
Super Street Fighter IV adds new Ultra Combos and advancements to the state of the art online matchmaking and online gameplay introduced in Street Fighter IV with numerous additional features.
Super Street Fighter IV takes many of the groundbreaking features introduced in Street Fighter IV and refines everything to deliver the ultimate vision of Street Fighter.
The game is available as both Collectors Edition and Regular Editions. The Collectors Editions contains a soundtrack with arranged tracks featured in the game, a PV collection that consists of over 30 clips and a new art book with character tweaks.
Xbox360™ Collector's Editions
Super Street Fighter IV [Collectors Package] JPN N/A
Super Street Fighter IV [Collectors Package] ASIA US$ 59.90
PlayStation3™ Collector's Edition
Super Street Fighter IV [Collectors Package] ASIA US$ 59.90
Super Street Fighter IV [Collectors Package] JPN N/A
Xbox360™ Regular Editions
Super Street Fighter IV ASIA US$ 39.90
Super Street Fighter IV JPN US$ 48.90
Super Street Fighter IV US US$ 44.90
PlayStation3™ Regular Editions
Super Street Fighter IV ASIA US$ 39.90
Super Street Fighter IV JPN US$ 48.90
Super Street Fighter IV US US$ 44.90
Game Guides
Street Fighter IV & Super Street Fighter IV Official Complete Work JPN US$ 26.90
Super Street Fighter IV Guide US US$ 19.90
For more information and downloads, click here!
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