Durka Durka Mahn has posted an excellent new cheat device for the game Star Wars: Renegade Squadron, heres the info:
Hey guys! Finally finished up my first version of the Cheat Device for Star Wars: Renegade Squadron.
This Cheat Device will allow you to change your weapons in-game without having to make new cheats over and over!
Each weapon slot has its own option on the menu and you just use Left and Right to change each option.
In the future I hope to add more Interactive Cheats, maybe a teleport function, and will definitely be adding more stuff as you guys find it. Credit will be given to anyone who's cheats I use in the Cheat Device.
Read the ReadMe.txt file for instructions on installation.
To bring up the menu, hit L+R+UP, to hide it, hit L+R+DOWN.