1) Drag the "Spooky Maze" folder into your PSP "GAME" Folder. On the hacked PSP it should be:
ms0:/PSP/GAME/ where ms0:/ is the root of your PSP's memory stick
2) Restart PSP and go to games.
3) Start it up
****Known Bugs****
that I won't be able to fix nor know how to fix since I'm leaving for vacation:
1) It lags from changing screens, this maybe due to wait(milliseconds) function
but I needed it there to stop waitkey from going out of control.
2) It sucks, yea I know.
3) The sprite is laggy too or cannot keep up with it, I dunno how to fix that.
4) Sometimes I cannot exit out of the game properly with Home>Exit. Well this is because on the last screen
its on a while command there for it has an error to exit the game while trying to complete the while loop
thus making a crash. Although sometimes it DOES work. It depends on PSP speed, version, and firmware.