Speaking to Eurogamer at this week's Gamescom in Cologne, Sony Worldwide Studios head Shuhei Yoshida said that recent reports that Sony had halved the RAM in its upcoming portable to keep costs down were "very funny." Those reports appeared to be corroborated by Reality Fighters developer Novarama, but Yoshida says a RAM cut was never on the agenda. "It's been very funny. Some developer mentioned the RAM was halved," he said. "We never announced the amount of RAM, and we never changed it. We've been making games, right, and we've been showing the games since January. If RAM gets cut in the middle of development, there's no way we can complete the games. So I was like, what's going on?" Sony's PSP successor has 512MB of RAM and 128MB of VRAM, meaning it has more memory than Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3