November 5th, 2005, 10:47 Posted By: wraggster

Just when you are getting into that racing game, the battery dies on you.
And it always runs out when you are as far away from the charger as you can
get! The PSP back-lock battery system from www.psptree.co.uk is a new gadget
that claims to double the life of your battery. When it was removed from the
packaging, the first thing that I noticed was how light-weight it was. It
contains a 1800 mAh Lithium battery battery which the packaging claims can
give up to 3 hours extra power for your PSP. The exterior of the unit is the
same colour as the PSP and has an AC adaptor socket on the side so that you
can charge it at the same time as using it. It also has an LED which tells
you that it is on. It clamped and clicked on to the PSP with ease, using the
2 metal holes on the PSP to lock it in place. It had a firm fit once
installed. A wire attaches from the unit to the AC socket on the PSP so that
you can either use the PSP battery or switch over to the back-lock battery.
I charged and discharged the unit fully 3 times before-hand as that gives it
the highest chance of reaching full capacity, On the test run, I managed to
get 2 hours 24 minutes from the device which was a little short of the 3
hours stated, but I may have been using the PSP more intensely than in the
manufacturers test. Even so, this gave a hefty life extension to the PSP
battery, which many users say does not have nearly enough life in it.
Verdict: A neat, lightweight device recommended for anyone looking to have a
decent back-up for their PSP battery.
Pros: Lightweight, easy to fit and
use, decent battery life.
Cons: Manual switch-over from PSP battery.
Stockist: www.psptree.co.uk, price £11.99
Thanks to Simon for the review 
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