March 23rd, 2011, 12:58 Posted By: wraggster
PS3 is the best console in the world, and no other publisher can match Sony's group of internal studios.
That's according to Heavy Rain creator David Cage, who says Quantic Dream won't be creating any games for Xbox again any time soon.
Quantic's previous biggest title, Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy in the US), was available on PC and Xbox - and has been reissued by Microsoft as an Xbox Original on 360.
Although Quantic is independent, Sony part-funded the creation of Heavy Rain and bankrolled its marketing, something for which the platform holder has earned Cage's long-term loyalty.

"The relationship on Heavy Rain has been fantastic," Cage told CVG. "They trusted us from day one, supported us all the way through. It was really a very risky project [for them] and they never let us down.
"Being a part of a company with what are probably the best studios in the world is something really pleasant for us. We're happy to continue this relationship and create content for the PlayStation brand. But they fund our projects, so we're staying exclusive to PlayStation.
"I am very loyal in general - or I try to be. I know that trusting me is always a big risk and when people do, I feel like I owe them something. It's not just because I want to thank them, though. We have a relationship that works, we're excited by the platform - we think it's the best platform out there. We're glad to continue to work this way."
Although Cage wouldn't confirm that Quantic shared tech with Sony's internal studios, he said that regular conversations took place.
"We talk to Naughty Dog, Santa Monica, Guerrilla, Media Molecule - all these great studios," he added. "We talk about technology, best practice, how we do things - we share experience and expertise. I think that's of real value for everybody."
Cage even revealed that he'd been asked to advise on a modern PS3 FPS title. All he'd tell us is that it "isn't Killzone 3".
Heavy Rain picked up three BAFTA gongs last week, for Story, Technical Innovation and Original Score.
Cage told us at GDC that he plans to create an "emotional" war game, borrowing elements from Platoon and Apocalypse Now.
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