Jim Ryan indicates they don't have to talk about it anymore
While Sony couldn't talk enough about the inclusion of 3D in it's various games a couple of years ago, announcements relating to 3D were absent from their media presentations during both E3 and Gamescom. According to Jim Ryan, CEO of PlayStation Europe, people shouldn't put too much significance into the recent lack of mention relating to 3D.
"I wouldn't read too much into its omission," said Ryan to CVG.
"We spoke about it at E3 two years ago and everyone put their glasses on for the first time, and the next year we did the same and everyone did it again. Y'know, there comes a time when you don't need to talk about it any more," the executive added. "Don't read into the fact too much that we haven't announced anything about 3D."
Stereoscopic 3D saw a resurgence mostly due to the popularity of the movie Avatar and its successful use of 3D cinematography. Despite a push by television manufacturers (including Sony) for new 3D enabled televisions, doubts have been raised about its viability in the home format for movies or video games.