April 22nd, 2007, 19:59 Posted By: Cynidez
I have wrote this story exclusivly for Dcemu because i feel the site needs news articles from inside the site too, to go along with external news.
Sony, what do we know about them?
They created the Sony PSP for one thing, but many users hate them.
Users say that Sony are denying them the right to use the hardware that they payed for to its full potential. But are they? No.
Sony has made it there stance from day one that they were going to do there up-most to prevent piracy on the PSP console. It was the first Sony console to have any firmware updates, Sony clearly were not happy with all the piracy that the PS2 endured.
So every time a firmware is cracked to allow the illegal playing of ISO's and PS1 games from your memory stick, they release another update that fixes the leak.
Lets look at it from Sony's point of view, they make there money on software sales not hardware sales.
So every time a firmware is cracked to allow the illegal use of software on it they are loosing money.
And because its a fine line between homebrew and Iso loading they have to block them both out of there official firmware, so they don't loose out on software sales.
Another side to it is Emulators, now the majority of emulators are legal, but another interesting legality issue has arisen.
Say Sony decided to support homebrew in official firmware, you could play all your Snes, Genesis, N64 etc games on your PSP for free.
Nintendo of course now own the rights to sell some of those games on there virtual console for the Wii, so if Sony allowed users to play those games on there PSP's on official firmware, Nintendo could potentially sue them for it.
So to reflect, you can see why Sony cant allow Homebrew in Official Firmwares. We should stop focusing on that and give Sony there due's for creating such a revolutionary Hand-held console for us all to enjoy.
Don't forget, without Sony there wouldn't be a PSP so just remember that next time your ready to slate them 
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