What a wild ride this thing has had. Originally announced back in November of 2007, the PSP Extended Life Battery Kit promised to provide right around 20 percent more battery life in exchange for $45 and an additional bulge. Then, Sony seemingly canned the thing abruptly in August of 2008. Just a month later, Sony's US director of hardware marketing John Koller confessed that the PSP-3000's new screen would eat away more severely at the battery, but that an extended cell would solve the quandary for a few of your hard-earned dollars. Now, it seems he's finally making good on that proclamation, with the PlayStation Portable Extended Life Battery Kit back on the outfit's website for $44.99. At least one user over at the official PlayStation forums has already received one, but at the moment, SonyStyle is showing the item as backordered. Might as well get in line, yeah?