Posted By: wraggster

Phoebius has released a new game for the PSP called Sonic 4 and judging by the screenshot above it looks pretty nifty too.
Heres the translated release info:
Hello everyone ...
That, in fact, to summarize a bit, being a fan of Sonic always has been, I worked a bit with Brunni at the time it was developing its game engine on Sonic GBA (for the graphics in any case) Since he stopped (temporarily or permanently), and am therefore jme said, as I tournais thumbs, I could try to make fun of my own engine.
I know nothing to the prog, but really nothing! I had never written a line of code in my life ... So I followed the tutorials PA, counsels Brunni and its superb lib, and AC led to this:
An early ptit engine, which I did last year, but unfortunately I stopped due to lack of time and motivation ...
So, I just wanted you to try to get your opinion!
Jme am said it was a pity that ca moisisse in a corner of my PC and that I am the only one to have tried it, so I put it online.
Sorry, I remember even when I made it ...
How to play:
Directional arrows to move
Arrow at the bottom during the race to get ball
Cross: skip
Square: put the sprite at the beginning
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