Posted By: wraggster
One year passes by again, one year full of scene activity. Consoles, hacks and developers came and went away but one thing never changed - the community.
Including loyal people, haters, awesome devs and more. For some here a few answers and facts:
@loyal people:
You guys make me doin' what I do, not gettin' sick of others and trying to stay active in the console scene. Thanks for believing in my work done for the community and not starting to flame once a new post arrives. Your words and motivation keeps me up! Thanks for all and Happy New Year, guys!
Yeah, you guys really piss me off sometimes. Especially if work has to be kept secret to prevent patches destroying great work, you still hate, claim fake or simply insult. Grow up, switch being a loyal and either believe in the scene developers or do something else than posting senseless shit.
One recent thing you guys picked up was the PSV Devkit donation. You claimed I would take the donation, buy a devkit and then simply resell it to make profit. Seriously, these donations are no scam and actually one of the motivations which keep me inside the business. Surely I could just pay all myself but as said, it's about people showing their loyality and trust in the development beeing done. Aswell the results of all work belongs to the scene, not the developer. Anyway, the total sum of donations was around 400.00€, which was used like it was ment to be.
So, you clearly see, even if one unit would have been sold - it would make no difference

Anyway there's even some more than those and I'm happy to say that the currently leading VITA scene developers got their piece of the cake aswell. So, dear haters - switch beeing loyal or finally shut up. Thanks.
@awesome devs:
It's boring to work alone, so I'm proud to see new faces every year in the scene. Thanks for taking part in a scene full of the people mentioned above and mostly working for free just due curiosity. Your work is appreciated and it's a pleasure to work with you guys. Keep up the good work, stay curious and Happy New Year !