runs on :
1.5 fw,
2.8 with eloader 0995 (thanks 785274)
2.71 SE-C (thanks Anti-QJ)
use the analog stick to steer the snake. 3 kinds of food will show up:
1) normal (yellow) food that can add from 1 to 8 segments to the snake
2) slowdown (red) food that will slow down the snake.
3) booster (blue) food that will add 1-8 to the score multiplier, and make the snake go faster
Start button will pause/unpause the game
X button will give you a speed boost
Theres a top 5 score board for keeping track of your best scores.
If you have the headphone remote, you can use the Rewind and Forward buttons to steer the snake.
As you collect food, the snake will get longer and faster. You've got 3 lives. Each time you run into yourself your tail will get cut off from where it was hit, and you lose a life. On last life, the game will exit back to XMB.
The snake can also wrap around edges, meaning if you go off left side of screen, you reappear on right side, etc. Thanks to Shine on #pspdev for help on this.
A 1up system is in place. You start with 3 lives, and will get additional lives if you get up to the next life score posted next to the life indicators. First 1 up is at 1 million, after that it will depend on how well you are doing. The higher the score multiplier, the higher the next life score will be
Also added some sounds when snake eats or hits itself. Enjoy
heres a video clip of a test:
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