December 28th, 2006, 15:54 Posted By: Smiths
Okay several things.
I'm reminded why I stopped PSP things simply because of the flood of CRAP that fills once something is released.
People are excited about popstation, that's awesome.
People are "releasing" ISOs on Usenet, etc. that are not modified in any way except for icons and can potentially screw up existing saves.
That's bad.
People are creating GUIs that are really nice and perty and remind me that I like to design programs that are simply simple and therefore look like poo. That's awesome.
People are forgetting that KEYS.BIN and BASE.PBP contain COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL, or are ignoring this fact, thus giving Sony even more leverage.
That's bad.
I'm all for making things easy for the end-user. I've tried to "idiot-proof" this program as much as possible. But, I like to encourage people to be able to think a bit for themselves and therefore be able to get the icons, keys, base, etc. they'll need before running my software.
If you can't do it on your own, don't use this GUI 
Rant over, enjoy most likely the last update since 1.2 currently does all the cleanup *I* need, which is why I actually designed it.
Smiths' Popstation Frontend v1.2
Smiths, www.emuholic.com
I rise from the ashes to whip up a little thing to help out with popstation.exe
+ Added "Modify EBOOT" box
- This option lets you modify an already compiled EBOOT.PBP's ID/Title after the fact
- See "Modify EBOOT Mode" for more info
*Modify EBOOT Mode
This is useful for all the PSX_TO_PSP "releases" appearing that are not altering the save files properly. You can download them, load them in thi program, and modify their values before (or after) they are on your card.
Scenes always flood with garbage at any breakthrough... cleaning up messes is needed.
1) Check the "Modify EBOOT mode" box
2) Select "Fetch Existing EBOOT ID/title"
3) Notice the EBOOT's current ID/title appear at the bottom. NOTICE IT! EYES!
4) Edit the Disc ID boxes and Game title boxes as you desire
5) If the new values are not the old ones, notice the NEW BUTTON APPEARS
6) Click it and it'll tell you what you're changing. Hit "OK" and it'll change like *SNAP* that!
7) You know it changed if the ID/Title boxes refresh with the new values
For more information and downloads, click here!
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