Oh and FYI: New discovery re: Multiple games sharing mem cards.
Two games can use one "memcard1.dat" if the SLUS IDs are the same AND the "Title" is DIFFERENT.
It is not advised though... XPort tried using "one memory card for all" in his PCSXBOX for xbox and it's just far more simple to have separate files.
(For reference, I loaded Symphony of the Night, made it to a save room, then changed its Game Title and SLUS to what I was using for Jumping Flash. In Castlevania's Save Manager, it showed the upper-right block of Memory Card 1 as "Used")
By the way, in the above scenario, the savegame file in the XMB was still for Jumping Flash; a new one was NOT created for Castlevania (proof of "sharing")
Smiths' Popstation Frontend v1.2.2
Smiths, www.emuholic.com
I rise from the ashes to whip up a little thing to help out with popstation.exe
+ fixed the Modify EBOOT to -- ya know -- actually MODIFY the EBOOT