Posted By: wraggster
New release from Gambiting for the Neoflash Summer Coding Comp:

This is my attempt to make a fun,and simple shooter,which you can play while in the bus or during school pause.I got the idea from similar shooter I've seen on pc few years ago.
In main menu there is a cool animation I've made myself,but the still image does not show how fun it is.See video for that or play the game.
The first image is from normal mode,while the second one is from insane mode.Again,the still images does not show dynamics of the game,so go and see video for that,or just play the game.
Youtube video of gameplay made with my Nokia 6280
This game is still WORK IN PROGRESS so many features are missing and not shown on video,like add-on system which is ready but too lame at this stage of progess to show on video.Please tell me what you think about it
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