-Insane difficulty by default( this CANNOT be changed. )
-Background music ( (C) fanatical productions ) -3 tracks
***wITH LICENCE FROM THE AUTHOR MARC A. PULLEN*** => fanaticalproductions.net
-Screenshot system(it will NOT overwrite your screenshots)
-sounds (
http://freesound.iua.upf.edu/ --FREE SOUND PROJECT)
-2 space ships to select
-More than 10.000 enemies to defeat
-Boss fight
-8 different type of enemies(+1 BOSS)
-Story mode(a lazy programmer , and your boss will be always there for you)
-Bonus weapons("Ultimate")
-5 (&boss) => levels to complete.
-Mini-games(ie "ultimate" weapon installation...actually there's only one "mini" game!..)
-Bonus pop-ups
-Random logo generator(i liked them all)
-Playlist manager
-In-game (mini)tutorial
-4 Scrolling backgrounds (sorry...i didnt have enough time for level editor!!)
-Finish the game to unlock the credits.
-Hi-score system
-HUGE amount of enemies. Each level has at least 2.000!
-Different fire modes.
(I suggest to switch fire mode to make things easier.
Use L or R , or do a combo by holding both shoulder buttons while firing)
-Skills (CAN YOU HANDLE IT ?....)
Controls: Ask Pantheon(your boss)!