kloups has posted an excellent guide to getting Go Messenger working on Custom Firmware 3.90M33:
Thanks to the excellent homebrew ILL (PBPSpoof), Go! Messenger becomes accessible to users of FC 3.90M33 below.
I conducted the test under 3.80M33 (psp s & l)
Greg59750 conducted the test under 3.60M33
What I need:
Go to the eboot Messenger
PBPSpoof 1.0
Download the eboot Go IM
Extract the contents of the archive on your PC.
Then copy the file ULES00856 on file ms0: \ PSP \ GAME
If you tried to run it directly you will be entitled to this pretty picture:
Press to return to Xmb.
Download then PBPSpoof
For PSP Standard (1.50 Kernel necessary PSP 3.71 M33 - M33 PSP 3.80 - 3.90 M33 PSP) (63.9 KB)
For PSP & Slim Lite in Standard or Custom PSP Firmware (63.7 KB)
Connect your PSP to your computer via USB,
Spend your PSP in USB mode "with the option" USB "
Right click on the file you downloaded,
Choose "Extract all the files ...", (WinRAR is to be installed)
Choose as a destination:
The dossier PSP / GAME your Memory Stick if you are running Firmware 1.50
The dossier PSP/GAME150 your Memory Stick if you are Custom Firmware (PSP Standard)
The dossier PSP / GAME your Memory Stick if you are Custom Firmware (PSP Slim & Lite)
Press OK and wait for the full extraction of files,
Leave the "USB Mode" on your PSP,
Go to the menu Thursday> Memory Stick to launch PBPSpoof v 1.0
Once in the menu:
Select the File psp and validate with the
Then Game and validate with the
And finally: ULES00856 and validate with the
Select the eboot and validate with the
Let the program patch your eboot
Press to exit the application and enjoy the joys of Go! Messenger.
If any french members can translate better then please do.