Former EA boss and current Unity CEO John Riccitiello has said that Sony’s focus on appealing to core gamers is the key to PS4’s continuing success.
“That’s one of the more – in my opinion – depressing stories in the last couple of years,” Riccitiello told an audience at theGamesBeat Summit when asked about the next-gen console sales war. “In the battle of big ideas … there was a clash of ideas that really separated Sony and Microsoft.
“They actually had very similar architecture that they were trying to bring to the table. But Microsoft focused … a lot on entertainment beyond gaming. Microsoft was trying to [compete against] Apple. They didn’t feel gaming was big enough to justify the pent-up desire … to have the recognition they wanted as an innovator.
“Sony just said, ‘We’ve made the best ****ing game system we could’ … partly because they didn’t have the resources to do more about it. Microsoft was focused on the shot after the one they needed to make, putting the 7-ball in the corner pocket, but they missed the first shot and didn’t get another shot after it. Sony focused on the shot they needed to make, which was win the hearts and minds of the gamer.
“The broader scope of entertainment might be a bigger idea, but not with an unfocused execution. A tight execution on the 50m people that matter, which are the people currently lapping up consoles.
“Sony ****ing nailed it, and they deserve the victory.”
It was announced last week that 22.3m PS4s have now been shipped worldwide.