We, PSP ( Playstation Portable ) owners would like Capcom to release to our beloved handheld game console at least one of the games from there famous survivor/horror franchise : Resident Evil .
We are also aware of the fact, that there is already a PSP version of the first Resident Evil game on the PSN ( Playstation Network ) but because of the lack of PS3 systems we cannot purchase this game .
Seeing the history of Resident Evil games on Playstation consoles, we can guarantee you, that the game will be a success .
Hope that this and the abundance of signatures that will come is enough to finally take a step and make our dreams come true .
The Undersigned/
The most interesting part is that Capcom got in touch with this person, and said that if it reached 10k signatures, They would consider making the game.
But that's not all, at this point the poll is at 14986 signatures.