May 3rd, 2006, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
Did i ever tell you i am a life long Red Alert fan, no well i am and today Altair has made me a very happy man with the release of a Lua Red Alert Clone, heres a screenshot:

<blockquote>Alright this is the first release of my project: REDaLUA!
Its called REDaLUA since its a Red Alert clone and its made with LUA. I've done quite some stuff at this point. However im getting to the harder stuff now, so progress will go slowe from now on.
What has been done:
- Selection - every unit can be selected one by one or by using the selection drawbox (scrolling goes slower though, when using drawbox)
- Scrolling
- Movement - all units can move seperately at the same time. Doesnt matter how many.
- Health
- Repairing
- Saving/Loading - only one savegame though (for some reason it sometimes gives an error when loading, ill check that out)
- Shooting works but not fully the way i want it
- The menus are there (not all the buttons work yet)
- Also the building menu
- Some sound
- Team selection - works now: you can select as many units as you want and also put them in multiple teams. For now you can select 4 teams, but that can be more. I'll add them later.
- Mining also works now. When the truck is full it will return to the refinary. However not the otherway around unfortunately.
- Fog of war works sort of, but makes the game go reeeaaallyyy slooow, so it's not included for now
To be done:
- More units and buildings
- More sound
- Collision - for some reason its more difficult then its in my mind
- animation
- AI - im not sure if ill be able to do this
- Multiplayer - this would be easier because then i dont have to code an AI :P, but i need wifi first
- A minimap
- Multiple savegames
- Power
Also the graphics are very easy to mod, because all you have to do is replace the picture with another picture (with the same name) and it (should) work, because almost (I'll make that all) all the sizes are called upon from the game.
I forgot to tell that there is an enemy base in the south-easth of the map. But they wont do anything for now, because there's no AI, but you can shoot them ofcourse.</blockquote>
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