Whimsical platformer Rayman Legends is slated to come to PS4 and Xbox One on 28th February in the UK and 25th February in North America, Ubisoft has announced.Each next-gen console will get its own uniquely branded skins. On Xbox One there's Splinter Ray, Ray Vaas and Globox Vaas - i.e. costumes based on Splinter Cell's lead and Far Cry 3's mohawked antagonist - while PS4 owners get Assassin Ray. Both consoles will be able to purchase the new Funky Ray costume with Uplay points.Additionally, the Xbox One version of Legends will feature 10 exclusive challenges to unlock new time-limited Achievements, while on PS4 players will be able to use the DualShock 4's touchpad to scratch Lucky Tickets as well as the usual PS4 features like video sharing and off-screen play with the Vita.To commemorate this next-gen port, Ubisoft is advertising it the only way it knows how: with Snoop Dogg.