Quickest Exit by Red Squirrel
http://redsquirrel.forumitalian. com
What's it?
Quickest Exit is a very simple plugin to activate in GAME.
Its function is to replace the classical HOME menù (the menù that appear when you presses HOME during a game or homebrew) and to enable the quick exit from the game or homebrew.
So, if you enable the plugin, when you will press the HOME button during a game or homebrew, PSP will return to dashboard immediately, with a great time profit.
If you press L+HOME PSP will switch off.
Finally, if you presse R+HOME PSP will go in Standby.
I want to specify that there is NO security check after the pressure of HOME button, so PSP will return to Dashboard even if you press unintentionally the HOME button!
Finally, I want to specify that it is a plugin, so it can NOT damage your console in any way.
-HOME menù substitution with the quick exit (when you press HOME, PSP will return to Dashboard immediately!).
-Possibility to switch off and to put in Standby PSP with the combination of L and R with HOME button.
Installation (if no plugin is already installed)
-Copy the SEPLUGINS folder (contained in the package) in the root of your Memory Stick.
Installation (if other plugins are installed)
-Copy the QuickExit.prx in the SEPLUGIN folder of your Memory Stick.
-Open SEPLUGINS/GAME.txt and SEPLUGINS/GAME150.txt and add this line to the files: ms0:/SEPLUGINS/QuickExit.prx
Note: After the installation you have to activate the plugin from Recovery Menù!
To users of PSP-Cheats.forumitalian.com and PSPGen.com.
To my girlfriend, the only that believe always in me.