McZonk has been updating his Quake2 Blog --> (yes this is the correct link, some sites are linking wrongly for whatever reason) with some great news and screenshots:
Quake II PSP - New Menu
Because it is important now to navigate the player figure, I added a new options menu without the unnessesary options for psp and some new options like the adjustment for the analog nub.
You can now edit tolerance and speed. Tolerance it the point from where the stick reacts and speed is how fast the player will turn. Perhaps I have to add some non-linear speed function. Would allow better aim in the center and faster rotation with the same control settings. This will depend on the beta testers.
this was also posted yesterday:
Quake II PSP - Ingame Screenshots
I need more memory in the PSP. 64 or 128 mb ram would be enough. I have to optimize a lot of stuff to render all stuff. Speed doesn't seems to be a real problem for now. But I'll need some more team before I can release it.
I can render entites and particles now. Just the level is missing. Here are some screenshots.The red and yellow cones are entities are not loaded.
Another thing I tested is this. It is fast but not fast enough. This anti-aliasing is done hybrid, some parts in hardware some in software. Perhaps I can improve it for later usage.