Posted By: wraggster
News/release from trevis:
PyBlast is a game I've been working on for the past week. It's similar to xscorch and scorched earth. The object of the game is to kill the other tank before it kills you. Health is displayed by a colored ring around your tank. Green is full health, Yellow is 75% health, Orange is 50% health, and Red is 25% health. You adjust the angle of your shot by holding L and R. Angle is displayed in the upper left of the screen. You can change weapons by pressing Circle. You can move left and right by using the joypad, although you will not be able to climb steep hills. To shoot, hold the X button, and release. Wind direction and strength is displayed in the upper center of your screen, this can affect your shot, so keep it in mind while aiming. Currently, the AI just uses the same weapon you use, but I plan on making the AI a bit more independent in the future.

Planned Features:
Online play
Menu system for choosing single player / multi player / difficulty
more weapons
better AI
Installation Instructions:
You should be able to just extract to your game150 folder, and play. I havent tested which firmwares this works on, as I only have 2.71 SE-B installed. It's written in python, so any firmware that runs python should be able to run this.
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