Posted By: wraggster

PvP_LostKnight has posted a mod to his PSP which is quite something as you can see from the pic above, heres the details of what he did:
my psp was built to play FPS (first person shooter) games. AND i FINALLY got a digital cam to take pics of it! tell me what u think about it!!!
Work done to it
*removed stock analog nub
*cover stock analog nub hole with glue and painted it
*remove speakers from previous location and placed them on top of the psp
*removed umd drive
*external analog sticks
*usb mod
*sealed up charger port with glue and painted it slightly
*see thru jewel on umd door
*preparing psp for 'umd storage device' mod that im working on
work expected on it
*either sound reactive rumble mod (when sound gets very intensive itll rumble) or trigger rumble mod
*touch up the look of the psp
*leds possibly if i get time
*'umd storage device' mod or sound reactive subwoofer mod or ir keyboard that flips out of the umd drive
--do take note that the right analog stick does not have a back cover on it because i wanted to show you viewers what it looked like--
--also take note that i havent done ne cosmetic work on it so it looks kind of rough but it works fantastic!--
Full info and pics here