Posted By: wraggster
News/release of a converter that converts PTF to RCO files.
Heres the Crap translation:
It is benörigt:
Sony PSP with 1.50 kernel
PC with USB cable
RCO editor
Loosely gehts!
1.Downloade and unpacks packs. Copy now the file “psp2ptfconv.exe” to any root of a non removable disk.
2.Kopiere now (.PTF) the file which you convertieren wills likewise on the root where the “psp2ptfconv.exe” is.
3.Gehe now under “start” then “implementing” then enters “note PAD”. Now the Windows Editior should open. Go now on the upper border under “file” and press “memory under…” Jetz should open a small window and presses on “type of file” and selects “all files”. And a column over stands “file name” gives it there test.rco and stores the file aub where the 2 other data is.
4.Gehe still once under “start” and then “implementing” and enter “cmd”. If you in eingabfforderung in it since come to the drive assembly letter where it the files stored this should then so look e.g.: C: > jetz the “psp2ptf.conv.exe” pulls simply on the CMD and leaves then a gap and pulls the .PTF file it to then have wants likewise draus leaves then still another gap and pulls then the Test.RCO file drauf and presses more enter.
5.Nun should be approximate the Test.RCO file 300kb. Copies with file rco and PSP on root your MEMORY stick. The Test.rco copies it in files rco.
6.Startet converter in under MEMORY stick in the XMB uund presses then “circle” the program should then into the XMb come. Still another file goes be “done” in it is your convertierte PTF file file to it now me the RCO editor to start can into the USB mode and then to the file rco and in the file should.
RCO converter follows…
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