This is a new app made specifically to be used in conjuntion with an homebrew
"compatible" ps2 and a psp with cwcheat.
With this you will be able to move saves from the psp saved mc to the psx
mc into your ps2 and viceversa directly by connecting the psp to the usb port of your ps2
So for example if you want to continue when you are away a psx game which you normally play
on the ps2 (or the psx but you still need a ps2 for this) you can just hook your psp
with an usb cable (also a card reader can be fine) load this application, select the psx mc
and were you want to save it, insert the game cdrom and press SELECT in this way you will
be able to load it directly from cwcheat into your psx game emulated on the psp

When you want to come back playing on the ps2 it will be the inverse process so just
hook your psp load the app, select the mc were to send the savedata from the psp, insert the cd
and press start. the mc will be formatted and pullulated with the psx mc from the psp and you will
be able to continue playing your game