Thats right King Squitter is back with another great release of his GUI:
PSX2PSP v.1.0 info:
* Source code have been rewritten from scratch.
* Added theme support. (Check pic below)
* Using popstrip and popstation in one DLL file so converting files is much faster .
* Program can create custom images. Check Default Icon0 profile for a example.
* Supports both .cue and .ccd files.
* Can save toc to both .cue and .cdd when extracting iso from pbp.
* Can use any type of pictures (.jpg,.bmp...) for icon0, pic0, pic1 and boot.
* Converting PBP files in one pass. (Can even PAL fix already converted PBP files)
* And some other stuff...
Place base.pbp in files folder. If you are using 3.03 OE-B or below, you will also need keys.bin in the files folder.