Posted By: wraggster
Yoshihiro has released the first public release of his PSX-P Playstation One emulator for the PSP. This first public release is a good demonstration of what could be in time an excellent Playstation Emulator for the PSP, once a dynarec is built in then Sony will have reason to worry or worry us
This emulator works on PSPs from ver1.0 to v2.71 obviously after v1.5 youll need to use the Eloader.
Translation of release information by Video Freak 
Here is the first public release of Psx-P, beta 1. Please do not forget that this is just a beta version and that there is still a long way to go before
we reach our goal. (I'm guessing full speed emulation.)
PSX-P is a PS1 emulator programmed (written) by Yoshiro. The games must be in ISO or BIN format. You can therefore make images of the
games you own without having to buy them again on the internet. For legal purposes, we are not supplying you with the SCPH1001.BIN file,
which is the PS1 bios.
What's new?
In the current version of this emulator, the overall speed is slow because of the absence of an optimized dynaric (dynamic recomplier).
Dark_Alex should be getting to that part of the emulator soon (after he finishes his HEN on 2.71).
So here we have a beta version in our hands, and we're ready to share it with you.
The versions on PSP_GENERATION have been compressed in a way that lets you decompress it directly to your PSP memory stick. You will
need winrar installed (winrar is much better than winzip).
-Download the appropriate version for your firmware.
-Connect your PSP to your computer through USB.
-Right-click on the file you have just downloaded.
-Click on "extract".
-Choose your PSP's drive letter.
-Click on ok. That's it.
Where do you put the bios?
In the folder called BIOS inside the folder called PxsP (ms0:/PSP/GAME/__SCE__psxp/bios).
Where to put your roms?
In the folder called Rom inside the folder called PxsP (ms0:/PSP/GAME/__SCE__psxp/rom).
How to run the homebrew?
PSP1.0 and 1.5: Game>memory stick>Psx-P
PSP 2.00-2.60: install eLoader 0.9.8 and use the picture viewer to launch it.
Some Screens 

GPL VIOLATION - Files took Down Thanks Bluecrab
Ok.... At the request of wraggster, here's some of the most incriminating things coming out of the output of strings on the PSX-P Binary:
We'll start with perhaps the most incriminating of all:
These are credits to PCSX, which are embedded in the code. They clearly state that the program is indeed PCSX.
A few more though...
Those just prove that PSX-P is indeed based on PCSX. PCSX is GPLed and requires that any derivative works release source with any binary(or an legally binding offer to obtain the exact source used to create such a binary).
A few more things that PSP-X infringes on though, while we're at it. (once again output from strings)
P.E.Op.S. is Also GPLed code. And SDL is LGPLed code. (There are several other instances of SDL strings in the binary, I feel that I've provided enough to prove dependence on SDL). SDL's license is a bit different than the GPL. It doesn't unconditionally require a source release, just if the code is a deriative work of SDL. Statically linking a binary with a library makes it a deriative work, and therefore it must have its source released under the LGPL. (See terms and conditions #5 for more on that).
Just in case you aren't familiar with the GPL and LGPL, you can see both at
That's all for now.
At the request of the PCSX Team the files have been removed until the source code is released