Posted By: Elven6
Here are the changes:
- correction of a bug which prevents PSPvista from being left when the percentage of battery was lower has 10
- new explanation on the orders available since the control panel
- the function to take screnshot was given
- addition of luaprog of “SERVING Jérémy” under “my documents”
- addition of the bomb disposal expert of “JEK”
- correction of a problem on the images to lower or close the window.
- creation of the window 3D which is 100 _ functional and acts like the office with more functionality!
- the homebrew will post “weak battery” if the percentage of battery is lower has 15_
- tutorials were make to learn has to change the speed of the mouse, the name of user and the bottom (under docs)
- creation of the miniature (when you metter the mouse over the bar of the spot lorsque' a window is open)
- old the bug due to the loading of the images was éradiquer
- the menu to start was remade with images of overflight (when you to pass to the top of an icon)
I love this program, and with work I think it could replace the XMB. I don't know how to install "3rd party" LUA apps on this, but if anyone else knows then please help us out.
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