I've released the first version of the plugin version of PSPTris for PSPRadio. The stand-alone version will be released tomorrow.
Grab the package from the link below. Just unzip the package into your __SCE__PSPRadio folder on your PSP, and go to the plugin screen, where there is a new plugin type called games.
You need at least PSPRadio version 0.38.10 for games support. This can also be found from the link below.
Version 0.61 (20th of May 2006)
- Bugfix in highscore screen where the name wasn't shown.
- Exit via home-button now works again.
- Selecting pause on the OSK caused the text not to render.
- Highscores were written in the parent dir in the plugin version.
- Modified the displaylists, which reduces the memory consumption by 1.5 MB.
- Implemented support to use PSPTris as a plugin to PSPRadio.
- Exit option has been added to the menu.
- Exit to menu from the pause screen.
- Added support for user defined music. (see readme.txt)